Publications of Dr. Ladislav Kvasz

(papers with a direct relation to the GPSS project are set up in bold script)

A. Books
[1998a] O revolúciách vo vede a ruptúrach v jazyku vedy. (On Revolutions in Science and Ruptures in Scientific Language.) Comenius University Press, Bratislava, 208 pp.
[2002a] Appraising Lakatos. Mathematics, Methodology and the Man. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. (Coeditors: George Kampis and Michael Stoeltzner).

B. Papers in international journals and books
[1996a] Was bedeutet es, ein geometrisches Bild zu verstehen? In: Räumliches Denken, ed. Dagmar Reichert, vdf Hochschulverlag an der ETH Zürich, pp. 95-123.
[1997a] Why don't they understand us? Science and Education Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 263-272.
[1998b] History of Geometry and the Development of the Form of its Language. Synthese, Vol. 116, pp. 141-186.
[1999a] On classification of scientific revolutions. Journal for General Philosophy of Science, Vol. 30, No. 2, pp. 201-232.
[1999b] Mathematics and the History of Religion. Human Affairs, Vol. 9, pp. 110-125.
[2000a] Changes of Language in the Development of Mathematics. Philosophia mathematica, Vol. 8, pp. 47-83.
[2002b] Galilean physics in light of Husserlian phenomenology. Philosophia Naturalis, Vol. 39, pp. 209-233.
[2002c] Lakatos' Methodology Between Logic and Dialectic. In: Appraising Lakatos. Mathematics, Methodology and the Man, eds. G. Kampis, L. Kvasz and M. Stoeltzner, Kluwer, pp. 211-241.
[2003a] The Mathematisation of Nature and Cartesian Physics. Philosophia Naturalis, Vol. 40, pp. 157-182.
[2004a] The Invisible Dialog Between Mathematics and Theology. In: Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, Vol. 56, pp. 111-116.
[2005a] Similarities and differences between the development of geometry and of algebra. Mathematical Reas-oning and Heuristics, (C. Cellucci a D. Gillies Eds.), King's College Publications London, s. 25-47.

C. Papers in Slovak and Czech journals (in Slovak)
[1993a] K pojmu epistemického rámca vedeckej teórie. (On the Concept of the Epistemic Framework of a Scientific Theory.) Filozofia 1993/7, pp. 409-416.
[1994b] Dejiny mocninných radov. (History of power series.) Matematické obzory 41, pp. 1-26.
[1995a] O pôvode ideálnych objektov vo vede. (On the Origin of Ideal Objects in Science.) Filozofia 1995/1, pp. 18-29.
[1995b] O povahe sveta matematiky. (On the Nature of the World of Mathematics.) Filozofia 1995/3, pp. 131-144.
[1995c] Náčrt klasifikácie vedeckých revolúcií. (Classification of Scientific Revolutions: An Outline.) Filozofia 1995/11, pp. 593-603.
[1996b] Náčrt analytickej teórie subjektu. (An Outline of an Analytic Theory of Subjectivity) Filosofický časopis 1996/4, pp. 617-640.
[1997b] Dejiny náboženstva a matematika. (History of Religion and Mathematics.) Hieron, II./1997, pp. 115-128.
[1998c] Epistemologické aspekty dejín maliarstva. (Epistemological Aspects of the Development of Painting.) Filozofia, 1998/10, pp. 658-681.
[1999c] Prolegomena k formálnej epistemológii. (Prolegomena to Formal Epistemology.) Organon F, 1999/3, pp. 223-239.
[2000b] Galileovská fyzika vo svetle Husserlovej fenomenológie. (Galilean Physics in the Light of Husserlian Phenomenology.) Filosofický časopis, 2000/3, pp. 373-399.
[2000c] Epistemologické aspekty dejín klasickej algebry. (Epistemological Aspects of the History of Classical Algebra.) Filozofia, 2000/10, pp. 788-808.
[2000d] Epistemologické aspekty moderného maliarstva. (Epistemological Aspects of Modern Painting.) Filozofia, 2000/8, pp. 601-619.
[2001a] Descartovská fyzika vo svetle Husserlovej fenomenológie. (Cartesian Physics in the Light of Husserlian Phenomenology.) Filosofický časopis, 2001/2, pp. 213-240.
[2001b] Epistemologické aspekty dejín modernej algebry. (Epistemological Aspects of the History of Modern Algebra.) Filozofia 2001/5, pp. 309-331.
[2001c] Epistemologické aspekty dejín klasickej mechaniky. (Epistemological Aspects of the History of Classical Mechanics.) Filozofia 2001/10, pp. 679-702.
[2002d] Matematika a teológia. (Mathematics and Theology.) Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky 4/2002, pp. 32-39.
[2002e] O hraniciach idealizácie vo vede. (On the Limits of Idealization in Science.) In: J. Rybár (ed.).: Filozofia a kognitívne vedy (Philosophy and Cognitive Sciences), IRIS Bratislava 2002, pp. 151-164.
[2002f] Filozofické koncepcie vývinu vedy a formálna epistemológia. (Philosophical Approaches to Scientific Change and Formal Epistemology.) In: V. Suvák (ed.): K diferencii teoretického a praktického I. Acta Facultatis Philosophicae Univrsitatis Presoviensis, Presov 2002, pp. 115-125.
[2003b] Niekoľko poznámok ku vzťahu prírodných a spoločenských vied. (Some Remarks to the Relation between the Natural and the Social Sciences.) Organon F 2003/2, pp. 157-172.
[2004b] Newtonovská fyzika vo svetle Husserlovej fenomenológie. (Newtonian Physics in the Light of Husserlian Phenomenology.) Filosofický časopis, 2004/3, pp. 411-440.
[2004c] Epistemologické otázky fyziky: od antinómií čistého rozumu k expresívnym medziam jazyka. (Epistemo-logical Question of Physics: from Antinomies of Pure Reason to the Expressive Boundaries of the Language of Physics.) In: Organon F 2004/4, pp. 362-381.
[2004d] Geometrické aspekty zobrazovania priestoru v maliarstve. (Geometrical Aspects of the Representation of Space in Painting.) Slovenský časopis pre geometriu a grafiku G, Vol. 1, issue 2, pp. 49-58.
[2005b] Hintikka a Friedman o Kantovej filozofii geometrie. (Hintikka and Friedman on Kant's Philosophy of Geometry.) In: P. Sousedík (ed.): Jazyk ( logika ( věda. Filosofia, Praha, s. 233-251.
[2005c] Epistemologické otázky modernej fyziky. (Epistemological Questions of Modern Physics.) Organon F 2005/1, s. 40-61.

D. Proceedings of international conferences
[2001d] Leibniz's criticism of the Cartesian physics. In: Nihil sine ratione - VII. Internationaler Leibniz-Kongress, Berlin 2001, ed. H. Poser, pp. 669-676.
[2003c] Epistemological aspects of the history of painting. In: Proceedings of the 7th Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics, Budmerice, Slovakia. Eds: I. Viola, Th. Theussl, a L. Szirmay-Kalos, pp. 7-24.
[2005d] Science and its Patterns of Transcendence. In: Papers of the Paris workshop on Global Perspectives on Science and Spirituality, Université Interdisciplinaire de Paris, 14. - 20. July 2005, pp. 86-89.

E. Proceedings of national conferences (in Slovak)
[2000e] Vývin jazyka vedy a evolúcia. (Development of the Language of Science and Evolution.) In: Zborník prednášok zo seminára Kognitívne vedy III. CHTF STU Bratislava, pp. 40-44.
[2001e] Descartes matematik, fyzik a filozof. (Descartes as Mathematician, Physicist and Philosopher.) In: Filozofia v kultúrnom kontexte. Mirox, Bratislava, pp. 107-115.
[2003d] Základy formálne epistemológie. (Foundations of Formal Epistemology.) In: Filozofia: minulé podoby a súčasné perspektívy. Ed: E. Farkašová a M. Szapuová. Nadácia I. Hrušovského, Bratislava, pp. 105-108.
[2003e] Použitie histórie matematiky vo vyučovaní matematickej analýzy. (The use of History of Mathematics in the Teaching of Mathematical Analysis.) In: Disputationes Scientificae Universitatis Catholicae in Ružomberok Vol. III, No. 3, pp. 51-56.
[2004e] Dejiny matematiky a prirodzené zjavenie. (History of Mathematics and Natural Revelation.) In: Mikeš, F. (ed.): Věda a náboženství 2000, od konfliktu k dialogu. Centrum vědy a náboženství, Univerzita Palackého, Olomouc 2004, pp. 145-158.
[2004f] Niekoľko poznámok k vzniku diferencie teoretického a praktického. (Some Notes on the Difference between the Theoretical and the Practical.) In: Suvák, V. (ed.): K diferencii teoretického a praktického III. Acta Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Prešoviensis, 104/186, Prešov 2004, pp. 157-169.
[2004g] O význame, interpretácii a spôsobe použitia niektorých výrazov jazyka geometrie, algebry a mechaniky. (On meaning, interpretation and ways of use of certain expressions of the languages of algebra, geometry and mechanics.) In: M. Zouhar (ed.): Používanie, interpretácia a význam jazykových výrazov. Veda 2004, pp. 192-211.

F. Other papers (in Slovak)
[2000f] K problému písania filozofie na Slovensku. Filozofia, 2000/5, pp. 400-413.
[2001f] Načo písať filozofiu na Slovensku. Filozofia, 2001/1, pp. 53-64.
[2003f] K teórii a praxi vedenia dialógu. In: Suvák, V. (ed.): K diferencii teoretického a praktického II. Acta Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Prešoviensis 94/176, Prešov 2003, pp. 261-273.

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