Homepage: Július Korbaš
Comenius University in Bratislava,
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics,
Department of Algebra, Geometry, and Mathematical Education,
Mlynská dolina, SK-842 48 Bratislava 4,
Email: korbasATfmph.uniba.sk
Július Korbaš is Professor at Comenius University Bratislava.
1978: Graduated in Mathematics,
Faculty of Science, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia
1985 Ph.D. (CSc.), supervised by V. Bartík and Z. Frolík,
Mathematical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Praha, Czechia
1988 Researcher, Mathematical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia
1990-1992: A. von Humboldt fellow, hosted by Ulrich Koschorke, University of Siegen, Germany
1994 Associate Professor (Docent) in Geometry and
Topology, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Comenius University Bratislava
2003 Professor Extraordinary of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics,
Comenius University Bratislava
2008 Professor of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics, Comenius University Bratislava
- algebraic topology [cohomology properties of fibrations, Lyusternik-Shnirel'man category etc.]
- differential topology [sections of vector bundles, almost complex structures, immersions and embeddings etc.]
Július Korbaš: Lineárna algebra a geometria I (Linear Algebra and Geometry I,
in Slovak), Vydavatel'stvo Univerzity Komenského, Bratislava 2003, 240 pages,
ISBN 80-223-1706-3.
Július Korbaš, Distributions, vector distributions, and immersions of manifolds
in Euclidean spaces, pages 665-724 (= Chapter 13) in: Handbook of Global
Analysis (edited by D. Krupka and D. Saunders), Elsevier Science, Amsterdam etc. 2007/2008,
1244 pages, Hardbound, ISBN-13: 978-0-444-52833-9, ISBN-10: 0-444-52833-4. A partial preview can be seen
Marián Fecko, Július Korbaš, Martin Niepel, Pavol Ševera: Zimná škola symplektickej geometrie, Bratislava, Fakulta matematiky, fyziky a informatiky Univerzity Komenského, 5.- 9. február 2007 (Winter School on Symplectic Geometry, Bratislava, Faculty
of Mathematics, Physics, and Informatics of Comenius University, 5 - 9 February 2007, elaborated
lecture notes, in Slovak); spracované texty prednášok, Knižn. a ed. centrum FMFI UK, Bratislava, 2008, ISBN 978-80-89186-35-8, 89 strán (89 pages); elektronická verzia je
(an electronic version is)
tu (here)
Július Korbaš: Prednášky z lineárnej algebry a geometrie. (Pôvodne zapísal a v editore AMS-TeX spracoval
Štefan Gyürki), Vydavatel'stvo Univerzity Komenského, Bratislava 2013, 132 pages,
ISBN 978-80-223-3408-2.
These lecture notes - a limited view.
Errata for the book J. Korbaš, Lineárna algebra a geometria I, VUK, Bratislava 2003
Bratislava Topology Symposium Group Actions and Homogeneous Spaces, Comenius University Bratislava,
September 7-11, 2009
WWW page of the conference.
Glances at Manifolds low and high-dimensional, Jagiellonian University Kraków, July 17-20, 2015.
Honouring: Krzysztof M. Pawałowski and András Szűcs on their 65th birthdays — as well as: Július Korbaš,
Józef H. Przytycki, Paweł Traczyk, and Robert Wolak on their 60th birthdays.
WWW page of the conference.
extensive list of publications can be found
J. Korbaš: Vector fields on real flag manifolds,
Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 3 (1985), 173-184. pdf can be downloaded
from here.
V. Bartík, J. Korbaš: Stationary point free elementary abelian 2-group actions on Grassmannians - an elementary approach, Archiv der Mathematik (Basel)
60 (1993), 563-567. pdf can be downloaded
from here.
J. Korbaš: On sectioning multiples of vector bundles and more general homomorphism bundles, Manuscripta Mathematica
82 (1994) 67-70.
J. Korbaš, A. Szücs: The Lyusternik-Shnirel'man category, vector bundles, and immersions of manifolds, Manuscripta Mathematica
95 (1998), 289-294.
L'. Horanská, J. Korbaš: On cup products in some manifolds, Bulletin of the
Belgian Mathematical Society-Simon Stevin
7 (2000), 21-28.
J. Korbaš: On fibrations with Grassmannian fibers, Bulletin of the
Belgian Mathematical Society-Simon Stevin
8 (2001), 119-130.
J. Korbaš: On the vector field problem for O(n)/O(1) x O(1) x O(n-2), Acta Mathematica Hungarica
105 (2004), 123-131.
J. Korbaš: Bounds for the cup-length of Poincaré spaces and their applications,
Topology and its Applications
153 (2006), 2976-2986.
A preprint of the same: pdf
J. Korbaš: A note on the height of the canonical Stiefel-Whitney classes of the oriented Grassmann manifolds, In O. Kowalski and D. Krupka and O. Krupková and J. Slovák (editors) Differential Geometry and its Applications, Proc. Conf., in Honour of Leonhard Euler, Olomouc (Czechia), August 2007,
p. 455-462, World Scientific, Singapore 2008.
A partial preview can be seen
J. Korbaš: An Arm Trick for Unarmed Performers, The Mathematical Intelligencer 31, No. 2 (2009), 5-6,
Link to the published article. The original publication is available at www.springer.com
A manuscript of this article.
J. Korbaš, P. Novotný: On the dual Stiefel--Whitney classes of some Grassmann manifolds, Acta Mathematica Hungarica 123 (2009), 319-330,
DOI: 10.1007/s10474-008-8116-4
Link to the published article. The original publication is available at www.springer.com
Pdf of the article.
J. Korbaš, P. Zvengrowski: The vector field problem for projective Stiefel Manifolds, Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana
3a. Serie Volumen 15, Número 2 (2009), 219-234.
Pdf of the manuscript.
J. Korbaš: The cup-length of the oriented Grassmannians vs a new bound for zero-cobordant manifolds, Bulletin of the
Belgian Mathematical Society-Simon Stevin
17 (2010), 69-81. pdf
Ľ. Balko, J. Korbaš: A note on the characteristic rank of a smooth manifold, p. 1-8
in J. Korbaš (ed.), M. Morimoto (ed.), K. Pawałowski (ed.),
Topology Symposium Group Actions and Homogeneous Spaces, Comenius Univ. Bratislava,
Sept. 7-11, 2009. Knižn. a ed. centrum, Fakulta matematiky, fyziky a informatiky,
Univerzita Komenského, Bratislava 2010/2011, viii + 116 p.,
ISBN: 978-80-89186-76-1 (paperback), ISBN: 978-80-89186-75-4 (electronic).
Pdf of the article.
Link to the proceedings-booklet.
Ľ. Balko, J. Korbaš: A note on the characteristic rank of null-cobordant manifolds, Acta Mathematica Hungarica 140, Issue 1 (2013), 145-150;
DOI: 10.1007/s10474-012-0279-3
Link to the published article.
J. Korbaš, A. C. Naolekar, A. S. Thakur:
Characteristic rank of vector bundles over Stiefel manifolds, Archiv der Mathematik (Basel)
99 (2012), 577-581.
DOI 10.1007/s00013-012-0454-3
Link to the published article.
J. Korbaš:
On parallelizability and span of the Dold manifolds, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
141 (2013), 2933-2939.
Link to the published article.
Ľ. Balko, J. Korbaš: A note on the characteristic rank and related numbers, Mathematica Slovaca
64 (2014), 1541-1544.
Link to the published article.
Pdf of the manuscript.
J. Korbaš: The characteristic rank and cup-length in oriented Grassmann manifolds, Osaka
Journal of Mathematics 52 (2015), 1163-1172. Preprint
Link to the published article.
J. Korbaš: On the Betti numbers of oriented Grassmannians and independent semi-invariants of binary forms, Mathematica
Slovaca 67 (2017), 1263-1268. Pdf of the manuscript.
J. Korbaš: An explicit formula for the cup-length of the rotation group, Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society
Simon Stevin 24 (2017), 335-338. Pdf of the manuscript.