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Pavol Zlatoš
[1] P. Zlatoš: Lineárna algebra a geometria, 2007.(Preliminary version of a textbook)
[2] S. Horkovics-Kováts and P. Zlatoš: Asymptotics and biovailability in a 17-compartment pharmacokinetic model with enterohepatic circulation and remetabolization, Math. Biosci, 203, (2006), 19-36.
[3] M. Haviar and P. Zlatoš: Professor Tibor Katriňák will be seventy next year, Math. Slovaca , 56, (2006), i-xii.
[4] M. Ziman and P. Zlatoš: Hyperfinite dimensional representations of spaces and algebras of measures, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 148, (2005), 241-261.
[5] M. Mačaj and P. Zlatoš: Approximate extensions of partial epsilon-characters of abelian groups to characters with application to integral point lattices, Indag. Math., 16, (2005),
[6] J. Špakula and P. Zlatoš: Almost homomorphisms of compact groups, Illinois J. Math., 48(4), (2004), 1183-1189.
[7] P. Zlatoš: Nerazlichimoť i dostizhimosť (Indiscernibility and accessibility), Izdateľstvo Instituta matematiki, Novosibirsk, 2004.
[8] S. Horkovics-Kováts and P. Zlatoš: Asymptotics and bioavailability in multicompartment pharmacokinetic models with enterohepatic circulation, Math. Biosci, 184, (2003), 69-99.
[9] J. Mlček and P. Zlatoš: Some Ramsey type theorems for countably determined sets, Arch. Math. Logic, 41, (2002), 619-630.
[10] P. Zlatoš: Teologické korene matematického nekonečna. Fenomenologický pohľad, EBF UK, Bratislava, 2002.
[11] P. Zlatoš: O dobrom usporiadaní a axióme výberu II, Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky, 29, (2000), 14-24.
[12] P. Zlatoš: O dobrom usporiadaní a axióme výberu I, Obzory matematiky, fyziky a informatiky, 58, (1999), 1-9.
[13] T. Katriňák, B. Rovan, O. Strauch and P. Zlatoš: Professor Ivan Korec died, Math. Slovaca, 49, (1999), 117-127.
[14] J. Mlček and P. Zlatoš: The Ramsey structure of A-determined sets in a kappa-saturated universe, Association for Symbolic Logic, A. K. Peters, Nattick, Mass, 1998.
[15] P. Zlatoš: The alternative set theory and fuzzy sets, Academia, Praha, 1997.
[16] C. W. Henson, N. J. Kalton, N. T. Peck, I. Tereščák and P. Zlatoš: Some Ramsey type theorems in normed and quasinormed spaces, Studia Mathematica, 124, (1997), 81-100.
[17] Z. Ladzianska and P. Zlatoš: K narodeninám profesora Katriňíka, Matematické obzory, 50, (1997), 26-28.
[18] P. Zlatoš: Logic, theology and logicism, Nadácia Komunikácia, Bratislava, 1996.
[19] R. Mendris and P. Zlatoš: Axiomatization and undecidability results for linear betweenness relations, Math. Slovaca, 46, (1996), 305-315.
[20] C. W. Henson and P. Zlatoš: Indiscernibles and dimensional compactness, Comment. Math. Uni. Carolinae, 37(1), (1996), 199-203.
[21] P. Zlatoš: Fuzzifications of concrete categories and homomorphy degrees of mappings between universal algebras, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 82, (1996), 73-96.
[22] P. Zlatoš: Gödelov ontologický dôkaz existencie Boha, Organon F, 311, (1996), 211-238.
[23] Tibor Katriňák, Miroslav Ploščica and Pavol Zlatoš (ed.): Ordered algebraic structures '93. Dedicated to Ján Jakubík. Proceedings of the summer school on general algebra and ordered sets, Liptovský Ján, Slovakia, August 29--September 5, 1993., Tatra Mt. Math. Publ., 5, (1995), 228 p..
[24] Pavol Zlatoš: Ani matematika si nemôže byť istá sama sebou. Úvahy o množinách, nekonečne, paradoxoch a Gödelových vetách, IRIS, Bratislava, 1995.
[25] P. Zlatoš: Alternative set theory and its relation to Cantor set theory and nonstandard analysis, Nadácia Komunikácia, Bratislava, 1994.
[26] P. Zlatoš: A Hamiltonian property of connected sets in the alternative set theory, Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae, 62, (1993), 197-205.
[27] J. Náter, P. Pulmann and P. Zlatoš: Dimensional compactness in biequivalence vector spaces., Commentat. Math. Univ. Carol., 33(4), (1992), 681-688.
[28] P. Zlatoš: On surjective kernels of partial algebras, Acta Math. Univ. Comenianae, 61, (1992), 85-90.
[29] Miroslav Šmíd and Pavol Zlatoš: Biequivalence vector spaces in the alternative set theory., Commentat. Math. Univ. Carol., 32(3), (1991), 517-544.
[30] Martin Kalina and Pavol Zlatoš: Some connections between measure, indiscernibility and representation of cuts., Commentat. Math. Univ. Carol., 31(4), (1990), 751-763.
[31] Vladimír Majerník and Pavol Zlatoš: Some quantitative characteristics of mappings in goal-directed systems., Int. J. Gen. Syst., 16(2), (1990), 165-192.
[32] P. Zlatoš: Filozofické a metodologické problémy matematiky a fyziky, MFF UK, Bratislava, 1990.
[33] Martin Kalina and Pavol Zlatoš: Borel classes in AST. Measurability, cuts and equivalence., Commentat. Math. Univ. Carol., 30(2), (1989), 357-372.
[34] Martin Kalina and Pavol Zlatoš: Cuts of real classes., Commentat. Math. Univ. Carol., 30(1), (1989), 129-136.
[35] P. Zlatoš: Od paradoxov teórie množín ku Gödelovým vetám o neúplnosti, Jednota slovenských matematikov a fyzikov, Žilina, 1989.
[36] P. Zlatoš: Topological shapes, Jednota slovenských matematikov a fyzikov, Bratislava, 1989.
[37] Martin Kalina and Pavol Zlatoš: Arithmetic of cuts and cuts of classes., Commentat. Math. Univ. Carol., 29(3), (1988), 435-456.
[38] Jaroslav Guričan and Pavol Zlatoš: Archimedean and geodetical biequivalences., Commentat. Math. Univ. Carol., 26, (1985), 675-698.
[39] Jaroslav Guričan and Pavol Zlatoš: Biequivalences and topology in the alternative set theory., Commentat. Math. Univ. Carol., 26, (1985), 525-552.
[40] P. Zlatoš: On conceptual completeness of syntactic-semantical systems., Period. Math. Hung., 16, (1985), 145-173.
[41] P. Zlatoš: Two notes on locally finite cylindric algebras., Commentat. Math. Univ. Carol., 25, (1984), 181-199.
[42] Pavol Zlatoš: Unitary congruence adjunctions.. In Universal algebra, Colloq., Szeged/Hung. 1983, Colloq. Math. Soc. János Bolyai 43, 587-647, 1983.
[43] Pavol Zlatoš: On congruences in direct sums of algebras., Commentat. Math. Univ. Carol., 24, (1983), 519-524.
[44] Pavol Zlatoš: On the ring of the variety of algebras over a ring., Commentat. Math. Univ. Carol., 24, (1983), 325-334.
[45] P. Zlatoš: Two-levelled logic and model theory.. In Finite algebra and multiple-valued logic, Szeged 1979, Colloq. Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai 28, 825-872, 1981.
[46] Pavol Zlatoš: A Mal'cev condition for compact congruences to be principal., Acta Sci. Math., 43, (1981), 383-387.
[47] Pavol Zlatoš: A characterization of some Boolean powers., Arch. Math., 33, (1979), 133-143.